24 Hour Fitness: The Home Edition.When i say I don't have time to work out regularly.... I really don't have time to work out regularly. It was Friday night, the kids were wound up and my parents came into town. By the time we got everyone settled and I got time to myself to workout I was doing crunches at 12:38am, you read that right 12:38am. But stubborn as I am, my refusal to admit failure took over and I did it.
Day 5 Stats:
Exercise: Crunches, Leg Lifts, Push-ups and stretching
Healthy Choice: I worked out, even though I wanted to be sleeping, I chose healthy snacks and started my day out with 24oz of water before my coffee.
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Update Day 4: Thursday 6.23.11
Vocabulary word for the day: Weight loss Rage. Weight loss Rage is defined as the anger and hatred I feel towards skinny girls and people who eat yummy food in front of me.
Apparently this challenge is causing me to develop a split personality. On one hand I feel really good about myself. I'm doing something good for me and I have hope that it will pay off. Even though I haven't checked the numbers yet and no, my clothes aren't actually fitting any better yet, I feel better about the way I look already. On the other hand, I'm cranky, tired, sore and I want to give up and eat a giant omelet stuffed with a pound of bacon and cheese with a side of sour cream. I came within an inch of beating up an old man and taking his biscuits and gravy in the break room at work. I saw a mom dropping her kid off at the daycare, she didn't' have an ounce of fat or one stretch mark... I think I hate her. Aaaannnnddd, don't EVEN get me started on the super skinny, perky, annoying redhead from Exercise TV that led the Pilates I did last night, who apparently can't pronounce inhale and exhale... eeeeeennnnnhale and axehale, eeeeeeennnnnhale and axehale, eeeeeen, eeeeeeeen, eeeeeeeenhale and axehale. I think I hate her most of all.
Day 4 Stats:
Exercise: 20 minutes of Pilates and 20 additional minutes of stretching (during which time I fell asleep on the floor of my living room)
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs at work (removed heels for safety), chose actual fruit over gummy fruit snacks for my afternoon snack
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
Apparently this challenge is causing me to develop a split personality. On one hand I feel really good about myself. I'm doing something good for me and I have hope that it will pay off. Even though I haven't checked the numbers yet and no, my clothes aren't actually fitting any better yet, I feel better about the way I look already. On the other hand, I'm cranky, tired, sore and I want to give up and eat a giant omelet stuffed with a pound of bacon and cheese with a side of sour cream. I came within an inch of beating up an old man and taking his biscuits and gravy in the break room at work. I saw a mom dropping her kid off at the daycare, she didn't' have an ounce of fat or one stretch mark... I think I hate her. Aaaannnnddd, don't EVEN get me started on the super skinny, perky, annoying redhead from Exercise TV that led the Pilates I did last night, who apparently can't pronounce inhale and exhale... eeeeeennnnnhale and axehale, eeeeeeennnnnhale and axehale, eeeeeen, eeeeeeeen, eeeeeeeenhale and axehale. I think I hate her most of all.
Day 4 Stats:
Exercise: 20 minutes of Pilates and 20 additional minutes of stretching (during which time I fell asleep on the floor of my living room)
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs at work (removed heels for safety), chose actual fruit over gummy fruit snacks for my afternoon snack
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Update Day 3: Wednesday 6.22.11
FEEL'N THE BURN BABY! Ok, so today I'm sore, and tired, and sore, and I feel old. Old, stiff and tired. Who's idea was this anyway...... oh right, mine. My stupid tyrannical raid on my cottage cheese butt. Alright, enough whining, here are today's stats...
Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs part of the day * (see disclaimer), no soda at all today WHOO HOO and had salad with tofu for lunch.
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
* Stairs + 4 inch Heels = fat chick on the ground. Soooooooo, in a graceful move that in my opinion should be re-written into Swan Lake, I tripped on the stairs in the parking garage at work this morning. And, seeing as how old and stiff and tired I am today I opted to not repeat it at 5pm..... so i took the elevator. Stop judging me. I will try again to tomorrow.
Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs part of the day * (see disclaimer), no soda at all today WHOO HOO and had salad with tofu for lunch.
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
* Stairs + 4 inch Heels = fat chick on the ground. Soooooooo, in a graceful move that in my opinion should be re-written into Swan Lake, I tripped on the stairs in the parking garage at work this morning. And, seeing as how old and stiff and tired I am today I opted to not repeat it at 5pm..... so i took the elevator. Stop judging me. I will try again to tomorrow.
Update Day 2: Tuesday 6.21.11
So Far So Good. Feel good about working out yesterday and anxious to start seeing a change. Stats for Day 2...........
Exercise: 1 hour of mini golf with one six year old and one two year old in the blazing Texas summer heat.
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs again to day at work and drank water with lunch instead of Diet Coke (my Kryptonite)
Weight Change: TBD *
Measurement Change: TBD *
I decided not to weight or measure myself for the first week. Need to get a few days behind me before facing the numbers again..... kind of like giving myself a head start.
Exercise: 1 hour of mini golf with one six year old and one two year old in the blazing Texas summer heat.
Healthy Choice: Took the stairs again to day at work and drank water with lunch instead of Diet Coke (my Kryptonite)
Weight Change: TBD *
Measurement Change: TBD *
I decided not to weight or measure myself for the first week. Need to get a few days behind me before facing the numbers again..... kind of like giving myself a head start.
Update Day 1: Monday 6.20.11
Totally motivated and ready to challenge myself. Took my weight and measurements today = (
But that is why I'm doing this. So here are the stats for today.
Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill and crunches
Healthy Choice: Took the stair at work in stead of the elevator
Weight Change: TBD
Measurement Change: TBD
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Pants Vs. Pie Challenge
And thus was born, the Pants Vs. Pie Challenge.
The Plan: Very simple. Do some sort of exercise everyday for 1 month (4 full weeks = 28 days). In addition make at least 1 healthier choice each day. These are the baby steps each day that I can do to make better choice about activity and food.
Accountability: To stay motivated and keep honest Pants Vs. Pie is going public. It's one thing to do a personal challenge and if I fail no body has to know. Its another thing entirely to put it out there in front of friends and loved one and for all the world to see. Fear of public failure is a proven motivator.
The Consequences: If I fail the challenge and skip a day of exercise or after 28 days of exercise and healthier living if I still don't see a change I'm giving up the fight, selling the treadmill and using the money to buy bigger clothes and LOTS OF PIE. The true consequence will be the disappointment and of course, if you know me you know I don't like to spend money, so having to buy cloths (especially bigger clothes) will be a real down-er.
The Reward: If I do see a change (weight and or size decrease) at the end of the challenge I get to celebrate with PIE! This is the beauty of the Pants vs. Pie Challenge.... either way I get PIE! And I like PIE, hence the need for the challenge. If we want to get deep, then the real reward is not only weight loss and a healthier me, but also a jump start back to healthier living and more active lifestyle. Two things that will carry on after the challenge and help me become and stay fit. BUT.... I prefer to focus on the PIE!
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