Business Owner
Stuff Animal Surgeon
Party Planner
This is life as I know. These are the hats (or at least some of the hats) I wear day to day being a working mom, wife and small business owner. Life as I know it is hectic, stressful, joyful, blessed and never boring. As mommy to two little girls (6yrs and 2 yrs) I live in a constant tornado of hair bows, plastic high heels, lip gloss, tutus, baby dolls and party dresses. And I'm on a first name basis with every Disney Channel character known to man. As a wife I carry the same responsibilities as most, family meal planner, grocery shopper and chef, housekeeper and nanny. As wife to a man with ADHD and dyslexia I am also solely responsible for making and remembering all appointments, meetings, classes and activities, paying the bills and balancing the budget. As a productive and contributing member of corporate America I put in my required 40 hours a week from my two tone grey cube on the fourth floor, filling my days between 8am and 5pm with conference calls, spreadsheets, deadlines and bad coffee, reciting obnoxious "pc" corporate lingo with phrases like "level set" "circle back" and "reach out". In an effort to further my career and keep climbing the corporate escalator these activities often spill over into the evening and weekends. My corporates self's alter ego has a life of her own as the co-owner of a budding online children's boutique. This is my creative outlet, source of extra income, and in our pastors term "renewing" activity. If electric bills, water bills and rent didn't exist and food was free this is what I would do every second of the day. It is the lime green and teal escape from the two tone grey of Monday - Friday.
I am the self proclaimed ring leader of a flaming high wire circus on wheels, and now I'm adding a blog. So for anyone who dares/cares to take a glimpse..... Welcome, to Life As I Know It.