And thus was born, the Pants Vs. Pie Challenge.
The Plan: Very simple. Do some sort of exercise everyday for 1 month (4 full weeks = 28 days). In addition make at least 1 healthier choice each day. These are the baby steps each day that I can do to make better choice about activity and food.
Accountability: To stay motivated and keep honest Pants Vs. Pie is going public. It's one thing to do a personal challenge and if I fail no body has to know. Its another thing entirely to put it out there in front of friends and loved one and for all the world to see. Fear of public failure is a proven motivator.
The Consequences: If I fail the challenge and skip a day of exercise or after 28 days of exercise and healthier living if I still don't see a change I'm giving up the fight, selling the treadmill and using the money to buy bigger clothes and LOTS OF PIE. The true consequence will be the disappointment and of course, if you know me you know I don't like to spend money, so having to buy cloths (especially bigger clothes) will be a real down-er.
The Reward: If I do see a change (weight and or size decrease) at the end of the challenge I get to celebrate with PIE! This is the beauty of the Pants vs. Pie Challenge.... either way I get PIE! And I like PIE, hence the need for the challenge. If we want to get deep, then the real reward is not only weight loss and a healthier me, but also a jump start back to healthier living and more active lifestyle. Two things that will carry on after the challenge and help me become and stay fit. BUT.... I prefer to focus on the PIE!
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