Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 2 Recap - Controlling the Controllables

If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight - George Gobel

Apparently George and Addison share the same thought process... you'll understand when we get to Wednesday. Week 2 was off to a great start. Monday we had Pasta with Garlic, Tomatoes and Spinach, and it was TOTES AWESOME!. Yes, I just used the term "totes". I know, I know, I'm over 30, have kids and am not a reality TV star, but my young hip friend Ally gave me permission to use it, so there. I used it.  And trust me it WAS TOTES AWESOME! Just look............


Taco Tuesday couldn't have been easier. Defrosted the meat the night before, browned and seasoned in no time. Chopped up some lettuce and onion, serve with corn and DONE. Wednesday I decided to get a head start on dinner (one of the perks of working from home) and cooked the rice for broccoli rice casserole and warmed up the ham late that afternoon so it was done just as I was getting ready to clock out. I was in control and ahead of the game... I was a meal plan GODDESS!

I headed out to pick up the kids feeling very proud of myself and my new found dominance over domesticity.  Skip ahead 45 minutes, we are home, Taylor is playing with the neighbor kids and Addy has asked to watch Dora for the 573rd time. Right as I press play on "The City of Lost Toys" I hear.... pweeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm. Then nothing. Silence. Press buttons.... nothing. Flip switches.... nothing.  Then panic! Did I pay the bill??!?!!?? Oh, right, I did just yesterday morning, WHEW! Checked with the neighbors and same story at their house. CRAP!  Called the electric company and the oh so very comforting automated recording informs me that service is estimated to be restored at 9pm. DOUBLE CRAP!! I realize broccoli rice casserole is made in the oven. The over uses electricity. CRAPITY CRAP CRAP!!!

In a former life I was in sales and they taught us a valuable phrase I've carried with me ... control the controllable. Meaning, you can't control everything, so control the things you can. I can't control when the power comes back on.... but I can control my choice not to wimp out and use this unexpected road block as an excuse to cheat on the meal plan. So ham, toast and grapes it is. Then for the next 3 hours I repeat the following scene over and over

Addison: Can I watch Dora
Me: No, the TV is not working, the electricity is out
Addison: Can I watch Mickey
Me: No sweetie, the TV won't work
Addison: But we can watch it in the living room
Me: No we can't. That TV is out too.
Addison: What if we watch Dora on yours and Daddy's TV in yours room
Me: NO ADDY that TV won't work either. Nothing works, the power is out.
Addison drops to her knees, throws her head back, her arms go limp and in her most pathetic, whiny, and dramatic voice possible: Well I want the power back in!!!!!!! WHHHHAAAAAA!

Wait twenty minutes.... repeat. But despite Addison's attempt at acting out the movie Groundhog Day, I ultimately triumphed. Good luck next time Wednesday.

Thursday and Friday were quick, easy and fit for a 4 year old with menus including frozen chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, hot dogs, frozen french fries and canned veggies. Saturday I decided to show the meal plan who's boss and shook things up a bit. I reverted to Wednesdays menu since hubby was working late and pork tenderloin and cabbage isn't the most kid friendly meal. So the broccoli rice casserole got a second chance and it was a hit! Sunday was dressed up spaghetti from a jar to round out the week.

Week 2 is in the books. And since I'm slow at getting things posted, I can tell you that Week 3 has some  TOTES AWESOME! recipes in store. Stay tuned.

.............and yes, I used it again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Pasta with Garlic, Tomatoes and Spinach, looks AMAZING. I really want a taste!!!
