Monday, September 17, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 4 Recap - Successes and Failures

Complete and utter exhaustion. The last two weeks have been a total haze. A whirlwind of  satin, thread, cheerleading, dirty dishes, garment tape and bleeding fingers. There has been a lot of crying and a lot of cursing but most of that is a different post for a different day.. lets just say it all got done, dear sis-n-law is officially a Sadie (married lady) and we are all still alive. And my 4 week "experiment" has also come to a close, in much the same way it started - me throwing my hands up in defeat and ordering a pizza.

Did I say I was exhausted... yeah, I am... please hold for a brief caffeinated interlude....BRB!

OK that is better. Week 4 wasn't bad actually. I was feeling pretty accomplished, having prepared food at home nearly everyday for 3 whole weeks already. Monday we strayed from the plan, which was chicken nuggets, mac & cheese and carrots. I just couldn't bring myself to eat chicken nuggets that day so... I had pork tenderloin tips in the fridge from the night before since we ate at our friend Ems house instead of making pork stir fry and tons of left over baked potatoes from the previous Wednesday. And that night Baked BBQ pork, fried potatoes and peas was born. And it was good.

Tuesday I felt bad for the chicken nuggets so we ate them, and their friends Mac, Cheese and green beans. Nothing to traumatic. Then Wednesday my amazing best friend Kirsten came over to hold my hand as I journey further down the black hole that was my sis-n-laws wedding dress. In a nod to Dave Ramsey, we had sausage, rice, and beans. It was quick, easy and everyone got full. Thursday I used up the last of the poached chicken breast from way back when in week 1. It has been chill'n in freezer waiting it's turn. We had yummy homemade Chicken Bacon Ranch pasta salad, and I gave myself a pat on the back for having planned a cold dish since it was back up to near 100 degrees (in September mind you)--- Love ya Texas weather! Friday we paid homage to good ole' Pinterest and had Corn Dog Muffins with a side of apple sauce. Perfect. Easy. Yummy.

Saturday was busy as usual. I tell you man.. I need a weekend from my weekends in the fall. Got up early, cooler weather had rolled in (Praise Be!!!!) showered, made breakfast for the kids got them dressed and headed out to the first pee wee football game of the season... for which we were responsible for snacks. Home for a quick lunch and prep veggies for dinner. Then loaded back in the car and headed to Kirsten's oldest daughters b-day party. Brought mine and Kirsten's gang back to my house so the kids could keep each other busy and she could help me with the dress from ---- well you know. Unfortunately by the the time we got her kids (plus one of their friends) and my kids rounded up and in the car, made a pit stop for sleepover provisions, made a pit stop for gas and then finally got to the house it was 8pm. The amazing wild rice soup recipe I had planned takes around 45 minutes to cook and it's not always a kid crowd pleaser.. so we caved and our friendly neighborhood delivery driver showed up at the door with pizza. The upside for my budget was that Kirsten took care of the pizza bill... so I'm not sure that that constitutes a failure. In fact, since I write the rules here I'm going say it wasn't a failure. This experiment was more about budget confines then my resolve to prepare food. So there.

Sunday, the last day of the 4 weeks, I was finally back on track. The weather was still nice, and the veggies were already cut for Wild Rice Soup, which is fam fav..... there isn't much to say other than... SOUPS ON!

My experiment is over, well at least the documented part... we are still walking frugal lane so I'll continue to be meal planning, cooking at home and using up whats left in our pantry for a while.
Here are the top then things I learned over the past few weeks.

1. Meal Planning is easy
2. Sticking to a meal plan is haaaarrrrrrd.
3. Make sure you keep up your prescription refills ... or the chicken suffers
4. I have more recipes than I thought
5. I still have alot of food in my pantry..... *sigh*
6. I don't care for shopping every single week
7. My kids will in fact survive with out a weekly dose of McDonald's
8. We saved over $100 by not eating out
9. My weekly average grocery trip for dinner items only was $12.61
10. My husband is very patient!
11. I feel a kindred bond with and have a new found respect for the women who came before us and managed to put food on the table every night before the days of drive thru's, delivery in less than 30 minutes, canned, freeze dried, and pre-packaged. They were better women than I.

Ok that was 11, but the last couple were pretty important.

Here is a little glimps into the my pantry/freezer and fridge usage over the 4 weeks. If you remember I inventoried eveything at the begining of week 1, and have kept track of what was used as I went along.
Bacon Bits2 pkgs2 pkg
BBQ Sauce3 bottles1 bottle
Beef Broth2 Cartons1 carton
Bisquick Mix1/2 box1/2 box
Canned Carrots3 Cans1 can
Canned Cheddar Cheese Soup1 Can1 can
Canned Chipotle Peppers1 Can1/2 can
Canned Corn3 Cans1 can
Canned Cream of Chicken Soup4 Cans1 can
Canned Diced Tomatoes4 Cans2 cans
Canned Green Beans9 Cans4 cans
Canned Madrine Oranges3 Cans1 can
Canned Mushrooms4 Cans4 cans
Canned Peaches1 Can1 can
Canned Peas3 Cans1 can
Canned Pinto Beans1 Can1 can
Chicken Broth2 Cartons1 carton
Corn Bread Mix2 boxes2 boxes
Italian Seasoning Mix1 pkgI pkg
Jarred Artichoke Hearts1 Can1/2 can
Jarred Spaghetti Sauce1 Can1 can
Mac & Cheese1 box1 box
Pasta - Bowtie1 lb 1 1b 
Pasta - Rotini1 lb1 1b 
Pasta - Shells1 lb1 lb
Pasta - Spaghetti1 lb.3 lbs
Ranch Dressing Mix1 pkg1 pkg
Rice5 lbs3 cups
Salsa1 Can1 can
Tortilla Chips1 bag1/2 bag
Chicken Breasts3 lb bag3 lb bag
Chicken Nuggets1/2 bag1/2 bag
Dino Nuggets1/2 bag1/2 bag
Frozen Broccoli - Cuts1 large bag.5 bag
Frozen Fries1 large bag1 large bag
Ground Beef2 lbs2 lbs
Ham2 pkgs2 pkg
Hamburger Patties5 each5 each
Hot Dogs1 pkg1 pkg
Pork Shoulder2 lb2 lbs
Pork Tenderloin Tips2 pkgs1 pkg
Applesauce1 jar1 jar
Canned Biscuits1 - 8 ct1 - 8 ct
Carrots1/2 bag1/2 bag
Left Over Sausage1/2 lb1/2 lb
Left Over Potatoes6 each6 each
Left Over Corn on the Cob5 each5 each
Poatoes5 lbs3 lbs

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 3 Recap - "Screw the poppy seeds, get the kid!!"

There are phrases you say as a parent that no one could have convinced you you would ever even utter before you had kids. I found myself saying many of those kinds of phrases this past week.

Week 3 was difficult. My regimented, schedule and plan driven, OCD nature was pushed to near breaking point as week 3 reigned havoc on my "plan" in an attempted to teach me to chill out and be flexible. Still living in an organza and satin haze while trying to finish dear sis-in-laws wedding dress (wedding is in 2 weeks--- EEEKKKK!) and with school, pee-wee cheer and work in full swing I was just trying to keep my head above water. At one point I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. But per usual it turned out to be an oncoming train.

Monday started out with breakfast for dinner, which was super easy. Scrambled some eggs, fried up some bacon (cause everything is better with bacon.. duh!) and used that Bisquick Shake N Pour pancake mix stuff that my mom had given me. FYI, if you like fluffy thick pancakes... DO NOT USE Bisquick Shake N Pour. They were like flying saucers, yuk, I'll be sticking to my Great Value Extra Fluffy Buttermilk Pancake Mix. But it was free, so whatever. Tuesday tried to get away from me... but I reeled it back in and made it scream for mercy. On the menu was Ham and Pepper Jack sliders with green beans. We were blind sided by Parent Night at school. So I figured, I could prep the sandwiches since they had to soak in a butter/mustard/Worcestershire mixture for a while, then just pop them in the oven when we got home. But of course, my "plan" was derailed when I realized I didn't have poppy seeds.. so I asked dear hubby to pick some up on his way home. After making two stops to try to find poppy seeds it was after 6 he still had to get the 3 year old come home and then load up and be at the school by 7. He calls and informs me that a small container of poppy seeds costs nearly $5.00! To which I exclaim... "We are running late, you still have to pick up Addy, SCREW THE POPPY SEEDS AND GET THE KID!!!!!!!! So our sliders were poppy seed less... but  they were AWESOME, and I was craving them again the next day.

Wednesday was out for revenge after I whooped its butt in week 2. And unfortunately it got the better of me. Baked potatoes were on the menu and were super easy, but after some heated back and forth "conversation" with dear hubby he ran out to his 2nd job with out eating and I lost my appetite. And since I had made enough for each of us to have 2 we had alot of left over baked potatoes in the fridge.  Thursday I was determined to regain my grasp on the week and did. I set a reminder on my phone to put the pork shoulder in the crock pot at 10:00 that morning, popped it in, turned it on, went about my day and when we returned from Taylor's 1st cheer practice of the season we had pulled pork waiting and it was glorious.

By Friday we were all worn out and really really not in the mood for Impossible Chicken Broccoli pie, which was what "The Plan" dictated for that day. I wanted nothing more than to just send dear hubby out for some fast food. But, pizza and chicken didn't sound good, we had tacos the night before, he had burgers 4 out of the 5 days for lunch and sandwiches that afternoon, and Chinese was just too expensive. We were between a rock and a meal plan. Then much to my surprise dear hubby sprung in to action. He convinced the kids to eat hot dogs and sandwiches and found a skillet meal for 2 that was in the back of the freezer for us and Friday was saved.

Saturday was crazy busy with sis-in-laws bridal shower, trying to get a gift for said shower, trying to work on the dress for the wedding for which the shower was celebrating and dear hubby working all day. Thank goodness George Foreman + Premade hamburger patties = EASY. Plus I had just enough bacon left from Monday night for the adults to have bacon burgers, yuuuummmmmm. Sunday was another crazy busy day. We were invited to a cookout to celebrate two super cool chicks birthdays. Which was super cool cause then I didn't have to make dinner (whoo hoo!). But since I wasn't one of the guests of honor I offered to bring something... it was the southern thing to do of course. And my mama brought me up right. So I made homemade guac and supplied chips, salsa, and drinks. Sunday done, whew.

Week 3 you were a bitch and I'm glad you are over.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sneak Peak: Pulled Pork Heaven

If God didn't want us to eat meat he wouldn't have made it so delicious. Here's a little sneak peak of week 3, I thought I would share a bit of the pulled pork heaven that was Thursday night.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 2 Recap - Controlling the Controllables

If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight - George Gobel

Apparently George and Addison share the same thought process... you'll understand when we get to Wednesday. Week 2 was off to a great start. Monday we had Pasta with Garlic, Tomatoes and Spinach, and it was TOTES AWESOME!. Yes, I just used the term "totes". I know, I know, I'm over 30, have kids and am not a reality TV star, but my young hip friend Ally gave me permission to use it, so there. I used it.  And trust me it WAS TOTES AWESOME! Just look............


Taco Tuesday couldn't have been easier. Defrosted the meat the night before, browned and seasoned in no time. Chopped up some lettuce and onion, serve with corn and DONE. Wednesday I decided to get a head start on dinner (one of the perks of working from home) and cooked the rice for broccoli rice casserole and warmed up the ham late that afternoon so it was done just as I was getting ready to clock out. I was in control and ahead of the game... I was a meal plan GODDESS!

I headed out to pick up the kids feeling very proud of myself and my new found dominance over domesticity.  Skip ahead 45 minutes, we are home, Taylor is playing with the neighbor kids and Addy has asked to watch Dora for the 573rd time. Right as I press play on "The City of Lost Toys" I hear.... pweeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm. Then nothing. Silence. Press buttons.... nothing. Flip switches.... nothing.  Then panic! Did I pay the bill??!?!!?? Oh, right, I did just yesterday morning, WHEW! Checked with the neighbors and same story at their house. CRAP!  Called the electric company and the oh so very comforting automated recording informs me that service is estimated to be restored at 9pm. DOUBLE CRAP!! I realize broccoli rice casserole is made in the oven. The over uses electricity. CRAPITY CRAP CRAP!!!

In a former life I was in sales and they taught us a valuable phrase I've carried with me ... control the controllable. Meaning, you can't control everything, so control the things you can. I can't control when the power comes back on.... but I can control my choice not to wimp out and use this unexpected road block as an excuse to cheat on the meal plan. So ham, toast and grapes it is. Then for the next 3 hours I repeat the following scene over and over

Addison: Can I watch Dora
Me: No, the TV is not working, the electricity is out
Addison: Can I watch Mickey
Me: No sweetie, the TV won't work
Addison: But we can watch it in the living room
Me: No we can't. That TV is out too.
Addison: What if we watch Dora on yours and Daddy's TV in yours room
Me: NO ADDY that TV won't work either. Nothing works, the power is out.
Addison drops to her knees, throws her head back, her arms go limp and in her most pathetic, whiny, and dramatic voice possible: Well I want the power back in!!!!!!! WHHHHAAAAAA!

Wait twenty minutes.... repeat. But despite Addison's attempt at acting out the movie Groundhog Day, I ultimately triumphed. Good luck next time Wednesday.

Thursday and Friday were quick, easy and fit for a 4 year old with menus including frozen chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, hot dogs, frozen french fries and canned veggies. Saturday I decided to show the meal plan who's boss and shook things up a bit. I reverted to Wednesdays menu since hubby was working late and pork tenderloin and cabbage isn't the most kid friendly meal. So the broccoli rice casserole got a second chance and it was a hit! Sunday was dressed up spaghetti from a jar to round out the week.

Week 2 is in the books. And since I'm slow at getting things posted, I can tell you that Week 3 has some  TOTES AWESOME! recipes in store. Stay tuned.

.............and yes, I used it again.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves

Did you just have a little Cher moment... I knew you would... you're welcome.

Gypsies: One of my guilty pleasures, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. I don't care what you think about the people, I don't care what you think about "reality" TV, and I don't care what you think about TLC. I know the show is scripted, I know their portrayal of these people is less than accurate and I know the dresses and life style are insane.... but I just can't stop watching!

Tramps = Short for Trampoline
Trampoline Translated to Trampolina  = how you say Trampoline when you think you are speaking Spanish *(Trampoline in Spanish is actuallyTrampolin)
Trampolina = Gasolina
Gasolina = My car
My Car = the place those B*****ds stole my wallet, phone and checkbook last week.

** Aren't you glad you just spent the last minute and a half of your life trying to follow that train of thought?

Thieves: NO GOOD DIRTY LOW DOWN ROTTEN JERKS! And all they really got was a book of checks that they have apparently been using between here and San Antonio, which will eventually get them caught thanks to online banking and my phone. This is one of those times when I'm really glad that we don't have any credit cards, minimal bank accounts, few assets and trashed credit. All those idiots are gonna get when they try to use my info is "DECLINED", "DECLINED", "DECLINED".

Attention Morons: You ripped off the wrong chick. I'm just as poor as you are. All I have that you don't have is morals and sense.You probably could have saved yourself the trouble if you had just looked at the car you were breaking into. Hmmm, older model GMC, dented on the side, door panel and locking mechanism broken, Wal-Mart brand purse, Wal-Mart brand wallet and a 10 year old torn pleather checkbook cover. Yep you hit the jackpot alright! And now you have trespassed, burgled, committed fraud and theft not only from me, but from my bank and the several merchants you wrote bad checks to and signed my name and P.S. YOU SUCK!

*** This concludes today rant, you will now be returned to your scheduled programing ***

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 1 Recap - The day the Meal Plan Died.

Week 1 has come and gone (I'm behind on my posting if you hadn't noticed) and it was definitely a learning experience. An emotional, time strapped, circus of a learning experience.

Everything started out great. Monday the weather had cooled down a little and I made veggie beef soup as scheduled. It was yummy and we had tons of left overs. Tuesday was our anniversary, so the in-laws took the kids and we went out to dinner. (This was a planned exception, included in the budget ahead of time).

Wednesday, I was still on top of things. Boiled the pasta early in the day so it could cool and had all my ingredients ready and dinner went off without a hitch. Thursday... another easy day. Poached the chicken and put bread in the bread maker during my lunch break and everything was ready right on time.

Friday was kind of a cheat day since we had a ton of left over ribs, baked potatoes and corn on the cob from my parent house. Saturday was busy busy busy. Woke up, showered, picked up the house and had just enough time to put the beans and sausage in the crock pot before rushing out the door for the next 7 hours. But by the time I got home, the whole house smelled delicious, add some rice and DONE.

Then there was Sunday. Oh Sunday, what happened to us? We used to be such good friends. It was the day we spent time together as a family, got errands run and focused on preparing for the week ahead. Sunday and me.. we was like peas and carrots. But those days are gone.

Even God rested on the Sabbath... and boy did I need to follow His lead, but instead my day started out with my kids getting up at 7am. Then there was the design disaster that had me texting "HELP" to my fellow seamstress at 9am. After losing all of Saturday to other activities I was trying to make up for lost time and work on the wedding dress I'm making for my sister in law before she came over for a fitting that afternoon. (Disclaimer: she has come up with a beautiful design... I was just having trouble making it a reality). Then came The Great Wardrobe Debate of 2012. My 7 year old always wants to wear her sequins and lace when riding her bike or going to play at the park. Then when it comes time to get dressed for church she comes out in denim shorts, an orange t-shirt with a turkey face appliqued on it and pink flip flops. And where is my dear sweet husband during all of this... yep, sleeping.  WHAT THE POO MAN!

Church done, we are back home and my bestest friend/ fellow seamstress has agreed to come over to be my wedding dress design cheerleader, fitting is scheduled at 3pm, put dear sweet husband in charge of lunch for the kiddos, I make a mental note to defrost the ham and make pie crust this afternoon for dinner. After an hour or so of fighting with satin and lace we end up ordering a pizza for the adults lunch. Downed a couple pieces then its back to Project Runway: The Home Edition and dear sweet husband informs me he has to run an errand. Sister in-law and niece show up for dress fitting, make another mental note to defrost the ham and make pie crust as soon as the fitting is done. In the midst of the fitting my 3 year old doesn't quite make it to the potty and I find her half naked standing in a puddle in the middle of the bathroom, right after discovering that I have cut the wedding dress bodice nearly 4 inches to narrow and have to start over. By this time I need to just get away so sis in-law and I go to Joann's to buy fabric for the kids flower girl dresses (which I will also be making). We get there and I realize I never did defrost the ham or make the pie crust for dinner and it's already almost 6pm. I call home and instruct dear sweet husband to feed the kids left over pizza and I'll be home after my scheduled Sunday night grocery shopping trip. Down an entire package of Rolo's on the way to grocery shop and try to enjoy the few minutes of peace, quiet and alone time. Cart loaded, was able to find everything I need and in record time, so I swing past the deli and give dear sweet husband a call and this is how our conversation goes.....

Me: (in a hopeful tone) Hey almost done getting groceries, how does a rotisserie chicken, french bread and green beans sound for dinner
DSH: It sounds like to much work and to much money. What about your meal plan. You're the one who had this master plan and keeps saying we can't spend money. We'll just eat left overs.
Me: I Know I Know! Whatever.

Thanks to a diet of sugar and grease, an overloaded plate of activities, my house resembling grand central station and my hormones disrupted by a glitch in my birth control prescription, I lost it. And there I was standing in the produce section of Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market crying because he said not to buy the chicken. And all I wanted was chicken.

After moping the whole way home over the loss of the chicken, I proceeded to yell at the kids over the mess I came home to, cry while doing the dishes, cry while picking up the house again and yell at the kids again.

The night concluded with dear sweet husband buying me Chicken Express for dinner and us vegging out in front of the TV.

Chaos: 1
Meal Plan: 0

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pantry Raid: Week 1 Grocery Shopping

Any wife and/or mom can attest grocery shopping is one of those necessary evils you just can't escape. Unless somehow you can convince your family to fast in support of starving people in third world countries at some point you will have to grocery shop. No matter how much time you don't have, or how much money you don't have, your family has to eat.

This fact leads me to the inevitable **** WARNING. RANT AHEAD****

... F**K YOU Martha Stewart, Food Network, Cooking Channel, Better Homes and Gardens, (and I hate to add this one) and Rachel Ray! You post/publish/pin/show us all what you claim are "cheap" and "easy" recipes for our oh so busy weeknight dinners... but guess what THEY'RE NOT! They are NOT CHEAP, they are NOT EASY, and sorry Rache they are NOT done in 30 MINUTES!

Here's a thought Martha... instead of titling your steak and shrimp dinner segment "Dinner on the Cheap" how bout calling it what it really is.... "Dinner I can afford and you can't, but I think it's cheap cause I live in a delusional fairy land"

And this wouldn't be a proper grocery/budget related rant with out a special shout out to that B***H Melissa D"Arabian. $10 Dinners????... Come on Melissa! Let me shed a little light on your $10 Dinners for you...

#1. They cost more than $10, even when shopping at Wal-Mart
#2. They only feed 4 people.... 4 people for $10!!! Yeah that's a deal if you're eating out and someone else is preparing your meal and cleaning it up but...
#3. Do the math, $10 per dinner for 30 days (1month) = $300!! Just for dinners. That does not include any other grocery items needed for breakfasts, lunches and snacks.

According to in 2010  the median income (by state average) in America was $50,102 annually. Now lets also consider that in a document published by the Department of Commerce Middle Class Task Force in 2010 they defined the median "middle class" income as $80K+. And no I didn't make that up, apparently there is a group of people going around calling themselves the "Middle Class Task Force". I can just see it now, a group of  men and women in their late 30's early 40's living in the burbs, driving SUV's, shopping at Target and doing it all in full tactical gear. But I digress... the point of the statistics lesson is that according to this information 50% of Americans make less than the middle of the middle class. Which would place them in the lower middle to lower class.

If we assume that Mrs. d'Arabian's $300/month dinner budget is roughly 1/2 of the families grocery (food only) budget, then we get a monthly food budget of $600, or %15 of the median annual income. Based on recommended percentages %15 is the maximum recommended amount for groceries. Well isn't that just a slap in the face... so what these people are calling "CHEAP" is the maximum that us "average" people should be spending.

You want "Dinner on the Cheap".. give me some good ideas for 80/20 ground beef. How bout "Beans and Rice 50 ways", or some new ideas on making canned veggies not taste canned. And how about considering the undeveloped taste buds kids who think bubble gum flavored tooth paste tastes good. These aren't folks that are going to jump at the chance to try herb crusted tilapia with mango chimichurri, cucumber gazpacho, or kale.


                                   ***** Rant concluded *****

Below is Week 1's Shopping list complete with actual prices and total.

Meal Plan ItemsItemAmountPrice
 Shredded Cheese1 pkg1.79
 Celery1 bunch0.88
 Green Onion1 bunch0.5
 Red Bell Pepper2 each0.66
 Pepperoni1 pkg2.28
 Zucchini1 each0.5
 Red Beans1 lb1.08
 Green Bell Pepper1 each0.68
 Head of Lettuce1 each1.12
Staple Items   
 Milk1 gallon2.58
 Total Week 1 12.07
 Grand Total 12.07

Pantry Raid: The Plan

In the beginning there was a Meal Plan. And God said it was good.

When the going gets tough, the tough make a meal plan.

Meal Plan, it's whats for dinner.

It's not delivery, it's your Meal Plan

Yo Quiero Meal Plan

Ok. Ok. I'll stop. That last one was a pretty pathetic attempt anyways.

The meal plan is essential. It's the guide, the road map, the security blanket. It's the impenetrable shield against drive through windows, dollar menus and "super-sizing". It's the red caped super hero that swoops in and saves dinner time from the evils of nagging kids, unscheduled overtime, soccer practice, parent/teacher conferences, traffic jams and whatever else causes our evenings to spiral out of control and all of a sudden it's 7pm (or after) and you haven't stepped foot in the kitchen.

Luckily for me, Planning is my middle name. Ok, really it's Elizabeth, but it should have been Planning. On any given day I've got a plan for something (work, cleaning, crafting, errands). My plans have plans. My plans plans have back up plans. See where I'm going with this???

I've inventoried my pantry, freezer and fridge. I scoured my recipe box, pinterest, magazines, my cookbooks and my brain and the result is the following 4 week meal plan.

Week 1Veggie Beef SoupExceptionItalian Pasta SaladChicken Salad SammieLeft OversRed Beans and RiceHam & Cheese Quiche
Week 2Pasta w/ Garlic and TomatoesTaco TuesdayHam and CasseroleChicken NuggetsDogs & FriesPork Tenderloin and CabbageSpaghetti
Week 3Breakfast for DinnerHam & Pepper Jack SlidersPulled Pork TacosBaked Potatoes BurgersChicken Broccoli PieChicken Nuggets
Week 4Asian Stir FryHam and TatersSausage Rice & BeansBacon Ranch Pasta SaladCorn Dog MuffinsChicken & DumplingsBreakfast for Dinner

Meal Plan: Check!
Up Next: Grocery Shopping..... brace yourselves.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pantry Raid: Step 1. Assess the Situation

Hehehe.. Dane Cook

Sorry, back on track

The first step to problem solving and crisis management is to assess the situation. In the case of meal planning this means taking an inventory. So I did.

Pantry Inventory

Freezer Inventory

I also took a peek in my fridge and have the following to get me started.........

Applesauce1 jar
Baking Supplies & SeasoningVarious
Bread/Bagel Thins1/2 bag
Burger CondimentsVarious
Butter1 large tub
Cabbage1/2 head
Canned Biscuits1 - 8 ct
Carrots1/2 bag
Creole Seasoning1/2 jar
Dr. Pepper1 can
Eggs1/2 doz
Garlic - Minced1 jar
Left Over Sausage1/2 lb
Left Over Potatoes6 each
Left Over Corn on the Cob5 each
Mayo1/2 jar
Onion3 each
Poatoes6 each
Salad Dressing1 bottle
Sliced Cheese1 pkg

Step 1 - Check!
Up Next: The Plan